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Unwanted energies can attach themselves to us and drain our life force. If you’re feeling stuck, unhappy, or like you’re surrounded by negativity, it may be time to perform a manifestation ritual to cleanse yourself of unwanted influences. Knowing how to manifest someone out of your life can help you to regain your power and live the life you want.
When you’re trying to manifest someone out of your life, it’s important to be very clear about what you want. Vague or negative intentions will only attract more of the same. So, if you’re trying to get rid of someone who is draining your energy, be specific about it.
What is manifestation?
One way to think of manifestation is as a form of energetic housekeeping. Just as you declutter your physical space to create a more peaceful and harmonious home, you can also declutter your energy field by getting rid of unwanted influences. This can be done through visualization, intention setting, affirmations, mediation, and energy work.
Related: Tap Into Your Inner Power With The Law Of Attraction
Visualizing someone out of your life :
Visualizing works in manifestation is a bit like using the law of attraction. When you focus your attention on what you want to manifest, you help to create a space for it in your life. For example, if you want to manifest more love in your life, you might visualize yourself surrounded by loving people and experiencing joyous moments. The more you focus on these positive images, the more likely you are to attract them into your life.
Intention setting someone out of your life:
Intention setting works in manifestation by helping you to focus your attention and energy on what you want to achieve. When you set an intention, you are essentially making a commitment to yourself to manifest a certain goal. For example, if you want to manifest someone out of your life, you might set the intention to release them from your energy field. This will help you to focus your attention on letting go of them, rather than on keeping them in your life.
In the book “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, the authors explain that you need to get in the habit of asking yourself what you really want. Once you know what you want, they say, it’s important to hold onto that vision and not let anyone or anything else take it away from you.
Affirming someone out of your life:
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in order to manifest a certain goal. For example, if you want to manifest someone out of your life, you might say to yourself “I release this person from my life” or “I am free from this person’s energy.” Repeating these affirmations to yourself will help you to release the person from your energy field and move on with your life.
Meditating on someone out of your life:
Meditation can be a helpful tool in manifestation because it allows you to focus your attention and connect with your higher self. When you meditate, you can ask your higher self for guidance on how to manifest your goal. For example, if you want to manifest someone out of your life, you might ask for guidance on how to release them from your energy field. This will help you to receive guidance and clarity on what you need to do in order to let go of them.
Related: How to Meditate So You Get Along with People Better
Energy work for someone out of your life:
Energy work can be a helpful tool in manifestation because it helps to clear away unwanted energies. There are many different types of energy work, but some of the most common include Reiki, Energy Healing, and chakra balancing. If you want to manifest someone out of your life, you can ask a practitioner of one of these modalities to help you to release their energy from your field.
It’s also to make sure you truly want to get rid of this person. Sometimes the people who cause us the most pain are also the ones we’re closest to. If you’re not sure whether or not you want to get rid of someone, it may be helpful to meditate on it or talk to a trusted friend or advisor.
Now if you’re ready to get rid of someone unwanted in your life, here are some tips on how to manifest them out:
How To Manifest Someone Out Of Your Life
1. Take inventory of the situation.
The first step is to take a good look at the situation and identify what it is about this person that you want to change. What are their negative qualities? What do they do that drains your energy? What do they represent in your life? Once you have a clear understanding of what it is you want to change, you can begin to formulate your intention.
2. Formulate your intention.
Now that you know what it is you want to change, it’s time to formulate your intention. This is where you’ll get specific about what you want to manifest. For example, if you’re trying to get rid of someone who is constantly negative, your intention might be something like, “I intend to remove the negativity from my life.” Be as clear and concise as possible when formulating your intention.
3. Write it down.
Writing your intention down is a powerful way to help manifest it. The act of putting your thoughts into words reinforces your intention and helps to clarify it. Plus, seeing your intention in writing can help to keep you focused on manifesting it.
4. Visualize it happening.
Visualization is a powerful manifestation tool. picturing yourself without the person you want to get rid of can help to manifest them out of your life. See yourself living your life without them, and feel the relief and joy that comes with it.
5. Meditate on it.
Meditation can help to clear your mind and focus your intention. Dedicate some time each day to sit quietly and meditate on your intention. Visualize yourself achieving it, and feel the emotions that come with it. This Cord-Cutting Meditation: Release Unhealthy Attachments & Call Back Your Power by Alisha Yoga on Youtube is a great guided meditation for releasing someone from your life. It really focuses on helping you to release the attachment and cut the cords that bind you to this person. If you are new to meditation, this is a great place to start.
Related: Meditation 101: The Beginners Guide
6. Set an affirmation.
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to help manifest your intention. For example, if your intention is to remove negativity from your life, you might say something like, “I am surrounded by positive energy.” Repeating your affirmation regularly will help to keep you focused on manifesting your intention.
Related: 100 Powerful and Positive Mantras for Confidence
7. Take action steps.
In order for manifestation to occur, you also need to take action steps towards your goal. This might mean setting boundaries with the person you want to get rid of, or it could mean completely cutting them out of your life. Whatever action steps you take, make sure they align with your intention.
In the book “Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself” by Beverly Engel, she explains, “When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated. This can lead to resentment, anxiety, and even depression.” If you want to manifest someone out of your life, it’s important to set boundaries with them. This will help to protect your energy and keep them from draining you.
8. Release it to the universe.
Once you’ve taken all the necessary steps, it’s time to release your intention to the universe. This can be done through meditation, prayer, or simply by sending your intention out into the world. Trust that the universe will help you to manifest your goal, and let go of any attachment to the outcome.
9. Go enjoy your life
The best way to speed up the manifestation process is to live your life as if your goal has already been achieved. Focusing on the what-if will only create resistance. So, instead, focus on enjoying your life. The more joy you feel, the quicker your manifestation will occur.
This last step is probably the most important one. The more you focus on enjoying your life, the less you’ll be focused on the person you want to get rid of. And, as we know, what we focus on expands. Manifestation works its best when you continue to attract good experiences and people into your life. Knowing how to manifest someone out of your life is a powerful tool to have. Use it wisely, and always for good.
By following these steps, you can learn how to manifest someone out of your life. Just remember to be clear about your intention, take action steps towards your goal, and release it to the universe. With a little bit of practice, you can manifest anything you desire!